
Friday, August 25, 2017


This maths game is called Prodigy! It helps you kinda learn how to do new maths skills.
I answered some  answers correctly by being focus and reading the hints! Some of the questions had letters that + numbers →> b+1.3 something like that! And I also turned level 57 for answering the questions right!
When I had to time’s table a letter with a number (z x 15.3) I did not really get what was going on!! And I would usually get it wrong!
To learn how to times and plus numbers with letters more so next time I could get it all right!
Comment what you liked about my post and what I can do better because it would really help!
Here is the link to this maths game if you would want to cheek it out

SRA Cards

This reading task is about a book, And I answered the first 6 questions about the book!
What was easy was answering number 6 which was what was similar between the American flag and the Dominican Republic flag!
What I could of done better or did was explain why I chose this answer so if my teacher cheeked it he/she would know why I chose that answer!
Next time I could put more depth into my work!
Comment to tell me what you liked and what I could do better

Friday, August 18, 2017

Maths Naming 3-dimensional (3D) shapes

Screenshot 2017-08-18 at 10.16.51 AM.png
This math sheet is about naming 3-dimensional 3D shapes
The part I found easy was naming the shapes in the first 6 questions because I remembered in the past I have learnt about a few of these shapes.
What I found hard was trying to describe a picture of a shape by saying how much faces,edges and vertices.
If you liked this post please comment what you like or what I can do better!
Thank you

Reading SRA Cards

Screenshot 2017-08-18 at 10.05.08 AM.pngAug 18, 2017 9:57:18 AM.jpg

This is my reading post of my SRA cards answers, on this SRA card there is questions about the story and more, when you are done reading it! I only did the first 9 questions which was about the book, but the others were different!
What was easy for me was answering the first few questions because it was not as hard I guess?
When I did not know the answer I would go back to the story and skim and skam for the answer!
Over all this reading task was not as hard, but it does help with your reading!
Please comment helpful things so I can read it and try out your thoughts!
Thank you

Friday, August 11, 2017

Reading Post

Here is the link of where I got this photo -->

 My reading group did a English skills 6 book, and I did unit 1 which is about Nouns.
On this unit we had to circle the nouns by 2 different words and underline nouns from a little story on the book and there is more but I did not get to do that yet!
What was easy for me was underlining the nouns because it was put into a story or a sentence so that was easy for me to do!
What was hard for me was trying to circle the nouns between 2 words because it was not put in a sentence but at the same time I put both of these words in a sentence to make it much easier for me to pick which word is the noun.
What I could work on is to try and find out a way to make it easier for me to reminder and to do to try and underline and circle the nouns much more easier!
Please leave a comment telling me what I could do better thank you!

Maths Post

Aug 11, 2017 10:22:22 AM.jpg

These are my answers for a Parallel and Perpendicular maths sheet!
What i found easy with this math sheet was explaining what is Parallel and Perpendicular of a picture of an object on the math sheet!
What I found hard about this math sheet is to try and count the faces, edges and vertices of a 3D shape because it could be an odd shape and we can not see the whole shape like the back or the bottom of the shape!
What i could work on is to try and image the whole shape in my head so i can figure out what the shape looks like in its full shape so it is easier to answer the Faces, edges and vertices better! 
Comment down below if I got anything wrong or spelling mistakes so I can fix it! Thank you

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

How to write about a good blog comment!

1.First try and type something saying Hi or Hey and add the name to it Like Hey Jake.

2.Try to write something you like about the post that the person has did and you could say why you like something from there post? Like Hey Jake I really like how you told us to cheek out these peoples blogs because there blog could be helpful as well!

3.Next try and tell them what you think they should of did or could work on something they could of did -- Hey Jake I really like how you told us to cheek out these peoples blogs because there blog could be helpful as well but you could work on trying to spell some of these words that you put on your work right! This part could help them to cheek there work after they are done!

4.Last of all tell the person that they did great or good job, just try to say something nice at the end -- But anyways your post was great try and keep it up Jake--

Here is a comment that I have made please comment on what I have got wrong or what I should of did better so I can work on it! Here is the blog I commented on --->>> Try to give him feed back as well.